Nick: junnnnkieSTAR Grad: MembruMesaje : 491 Bani : 1528 Multumiri : 0 Localizare : GTA.DEVILZ.RO
![[0.3x]DeviLZ RPG: SERVER WIPED + UPDATE ! Empty]( | Subiect: [0.3x]DeviLZ RPG: SERVER WIPED + UPDATE ! Lun Ian 06, 2014 10:15 pm | |
| DevilZ:The Official GF Server [0.3x] HostName: DevilZ:The Official GF Server [0.3x] Address: Players: x / 50 Ping: 3 Mode: DevilZ GF Map: San AndreasFactiuni:
- Police Departament
- National Guard
- Medics
- The Mafia
- The Triads
- TowCar Company
- Hitman Agency
- News Reporter
- Taxi Company
- License Faction
- Ballas
- Las Venturas Vagos
- Varios Los Aztecas
- Grove Street
Joburi: Legale:
- Detective (Detectiv)
- Lawyer (Avocat) $
- Car Mechanic (Mecanic de masini)
- Bodyguard (Garda de corp)
- Car Dealer (Vanzator de masini) $
- Boxer
- Bus Driver (Conducator de autobuz)
- Trucker (Camionagiu)
- Garbeage Collector (Gunoier) $
- Paper Boy (Ziarist)
- Arms Dealer (Traficant de arme) $$$
- Drug Dealer (Traficant de droguri) $$
- Whore
- Car Jacker (Spargator de masini) $
[b] [b]# Alte informatii Importante: [b]1.Sistem Events: Pe server sunt instalate eventuri automate si eventuri facute de helperi/admini.
- GunGame Event , Derby Event , Derby Hunting Event.
- Fast Event,Math Event,Stunt Event,Servieta si GetWet.
- Eventuri de tip: deagle(/joindevent), molotov(/joinmlevent), ak47(/joinak47event), m4(/joinm4event), grenade(/joingevent)
- Last Car Standing(LCS), Last Boat Standing(LBS), Last Truck Standing(LTS)
- Eventuri pe forum: Last Gang Standing(LGS), Supremacy(Suprematie), Deagle Masters(1vs1 | 2vs2), Faction War.
[b][b][b] 2.Sistem Shop: Avem 2 sisteme de tip "Shop" pe server.
- Sistem Mats Shop. (Materials Shop)
- Sistem Drugs Shop. (Drugs Shop)
[b][b][b] 3.Sistem Coins: Cu "Coinurile" poti cumpara un bonus de mats,drugs,respect,bani.Primesti 1 Coin pe ora.
[/b][/b][/b][*]10 Coin = 2,5kg Drugs [*]10 Coin = 20.000(20k) Mats [*]20 Coin = 2 Respect Points [*]50 Coin = 1.000.000$(1kk) Bani [size=8pt] Informatii: Comenzi (/produsecoin) si (/coin)[/size] 3.Alte informatii:
- War ce consta in premii de Drugs,Mats si Bani.
- NRG-500 (Gratis la level 3).
- Masina personala (Gratis la level 4)
- Premium Accounts. (Cont Premium [V.I.P])
- 3 Cluburi (NFS Club si NRG Club,INFERNUIS Club)
![[0.3x]DeviLZ RPG: SERVER WIPED + UPDATE ! Sa_mp_312](
![[0.3x]DeviLZ RPG: SERVER WIPED + UPDATE ! Sa_mp_302]( Video-uri SERVER : Intra si tu chiar acum !
![[0.3x]DeviLZ RPG: SERVER WIPED + UPDATE ! Lasamama]( CopyRight © 2013 - DevilZ Server |