HostName: ..:: UnionZoneRPG ::.. RPG Server [0.3x]
Players: 27 / 100
Ping: 28
Mode: |RO|RPG|v 0.3x|
Map: San Andreas
Servarul Contine : 16 Factiuni
14 Joburi
Sistem masini personale
Case cu /hgate.
Insule pe care iti poti cumpara o casa
Factiuni: 1. San andreas Police Departament
2. F.B.I.
3. National Guard.
4. Los Aztecas Gang
5. Los Vagos Gang
6. The Triads
7. Primaria.
8. The Yakuza
9. News Reporters.
10. Taxi Company.
11. Grove Street Gang
12. The Ballas Gang
13. Hitman Agency
14. La Cosa Nostra
15. Tow Car Company
16. La Tigani
Joburi: 1. Bodyguard
2. Bus Driver
3. Boxer
4. Sweeper
5. Transport Pietre
6. Paper Boy
7. Fermier
8. Truker
9. Gunoier
10. Medic
11. Distribuitor
12. Pompe Funebre
13. Curier Rapid
14. Pilotaj
P.S: In curad si joburi ilegale